How Do We Experience?

As you read this page, you are experiencing. You may be experiencing interest in what may unfold before you, or you may be experiencing skepticism about the value of what this person has to say. Or you may be experiencing your sore back. Or hunger… In all of...

The Problem of Identification

I can now start to lay the groundwork for the usefulness of content-less awareness (which I call Presence) in our lives and in the framework of psychotherapy. When we focus on the content of awareness, we identify with specific content to the exclusion of other...

Beyond Identifications

By now, we begin to see that while identification with our state, our context, our actions is necessary, it also becomes a trap which obscures our experience of who we are. We become identified with fixed ideas of who we are (and what the world is) and we substitute...

Being, Thoughts, and Self Experience

I have found that most people mistake their subjective state and their thoughts about the nature of reality for the Truth. In its extreme, we call people who operate on this basis psychotic – when their internal experience is at sufficient odds with what most...